Anti Vehicle Fencing, The Solution to Safeguard the Community
Road and vehicle accidents are a common cause for many fatalities throughout Australia. Without the right protection and safety measures, these fatalities will not decrease. However, protecting your community’s infrastructure, roads, pedestrians and more has never been easier with our Anti Vehicle Fencing.
Our Anti Vehicle Fencing is a form of hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM). This fencing has been carefully manufactured to ensure long lasting protection for many types of places. It has also been designed to protect certain perimeters and locations from ram-raid attacks and vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).
For instance, this type of fencing can be used in various locations such as, schools, city landscapes, government places, parks, critical infrastructure, car parks, community areas and more. One of the most common places that it’s seen to be installed is along freeways and highways. Any place where there is fast moving traffic or a potential risk of a collision, our Anti Vehicle Fencing is the answer to prevent incidents on our roads.
To safeguard your work or community, this Anti Vehicle Fencing is the perfect solution. The fencing is made out of high tensile ropes that are supported on steel line posts and then secured by an anchor post. They can resist a high impact of force from a vehicle collision or ram-raid to protect any surrounding environment from being damaged or threatened. The fencing has also been crash tested. It can withstand a 7500kg vehicle travelling up to 50kph.
Australian Bollards design their products to help benefit the community and safeguard our Australian roads. Essentially, these fences can be used in any area that needs protection from vehicles so our community can feel at ease that they’re protected from harm. The fencing is also engineered in accordance with IWA-14.1 standards and are PAS68 compliant.

With the increasing number of vehicles on our roads, it’s only mandatory that businesses and the community take the appropriate safety measures. Because here at Australian Bollards, we offer many HVM solutions to not only protect vehicles, but to ensure the safety of everyone and everything.
Keep it Safe. Keep it Local. Keep it Australian Made.
For more information on our range of products and services, contact us on +613 9459 3488 or visit our website.