Australian Bollards - Securing Melbourne's Streets

Last Tuesday Australian Bollards installed one of its Australian made AB-EAB Energy Absorbing Bollards at Tram Stop 3 at the Bourke/Elizabeth Street intersection in Melbourne’s CBD to protect pedestrians and public transport commuters from distracted or reckless drivers.

Energy Absorbing Bollards are the perfect traffic and pedestrian safety solution that will make sidewalks and footpaths as well as other heavy foot traffic areas like tram stops, restaurants and shopfronts; like Bourke Street Mall, a safer place for everyone.  

Engineered to save lives, our Australian made AB-EAB Energy Absorbing Bollards are engineered to PAS68 and IWA14-1 standards making them capable of halting a two tonne vehicle travelling speeds up to 60 kilometres an hour, while also being compliant with road safety barrier systems and device standards in the AS/NZS 3845 (1999).

What makes our AB-EAB’s unique is that they not only reduce the risk of serious injury to pedestrians but to the driver of the vehicle as well. This is because of the EAB’s ability to “give way” and absorb the kinetic energy of the oncoming vehicle upon impact, to safely decelerate it to a steady and controlled stop.   

This shock absorbing solution is also reinforced with a foam cartridge which helps provide extra support to the EAB so that the force of impact is minimised to the highest level. This additional support makes the EAB compliant with AS/NZS 1698 (2006) standards. 

For more information on our range of products and services like our Energy Absorbing Bollards, please call us on +613 9459 3488 or visit our website today.

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