Turn-key solution to access control at Uniting AgeWell

Uniting AgeWell Boomgate Banner Image

Recently Australian Bollards supplied and installed a comprehensive system of boom gate barriers at the Uniting AgeWell Aged Care Centre in Box Hill, a sweeping solution to their security needs. The boom gates, installed at the combined entrance and exit to the facility’s car park, are equipped with a range of features that make them the ideal turn-key solution to the security of any site.

The gate was supplied with an illuminated boom arm with reflective orange strips, increasing nighttime visibility and safety, ensuring there can be no accidental bumps in the dark. This visibility is bolstered by the vibrant blue warning safety beacon lighting, which, accompanied by a loud warning siren, warns any one nearby that the boom gate is in use. These visual and audio cues come together to boost the safe operation of the parking barrier. 

This safety can be maximized with the installation of an anti-collision feature, such as what was provided to Box Hill Uniting AgeWell. Consisting of sensors in the ground that prevent the boom arm from shutting, slow or hesitant drivers are protected from having their cars damaged and also avoids damage to the arm itself.

But safety extends past those near the boom gate in operation, as the security of the site and those within it is also vital and the primary objective of a boom gate. This security was ensured at Box Hill Uniting AgeWell with the installation of a magnetic lock. Powder-coated yellow, Australian Bollards’ boom gate magnetic lock ensures that no one can simply lift the boom gate arm to allow any unauthorized vehicle through, ensuring the security cannot be compromised. 

Uniting AgeWell Boomgate Body Image

Safety does not have to come at the expense of efficiency and seamlessness. Australian Bollards also supplies and installs access control posts that can be customized to suit any intercom, HID, swipe, pin pad, and smart card readers, allowing you numerous options to provide to the diverse range of people that will encounter the barrier, from visitors to employees to residents. The system can also be remote controlled or, alternatively, through a bluetooth or wifi app. 

To ensure the safety of the costly access control system against the vehicles that will pass by it every day, a high impact general purpose bollard was installed. Zinc coated mild steel, the bollard is metallic powder-coated and durable against the elements and any bumps it may face. The bollard is surface mounted for easy installation and has high-impact resistance, ensuring the access control system is protected to the greatest extent. 

These parking barrier elements, all supplied and installed by Australian Bollards, came together at the Uniting AgeWell Aged Care Centre in Box Hill to ensure the safety and security of its staff and residents. 

For more information, visit our website or contact us on +613 9459 3488.

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